When you remember who you used to be, discover who you want to be, and create a path to get you from one to the other... you become the person your souls knows.
Once upon a time, you had dreams and hopes, and grand plans....then life happened.
It's a good thing when Life happens, but often your dreams,
hopes and grand plans get pushed to the bottom of the list, staying tucked down under all the to-do lists, the obligations, the balance of work, family, and #allthethings.
You've forgotten what it is you were put here on this earth to do...you've forgotten how you wished upon those stars and promised yourself you'd follow through on all those magical plans...you've forgotten who you used to be and you haven't thought about who you want to be in so long that it feels like some elusive, unattainable nirvana to even stop for a hot minute and search your soul.
Some days it feels like a rusty coffee pot is pouring dirty water into your soul, barely giving you enough liquid to sustain the borders of your life, much less help you thrive....

The Universe should be here to soothe your soul, guide you on your journey, and remind you of all that you are....a beautiful, unique, quirky, magical, flawed, fabulous, amazing woman.
But we all know the Universe sometimes forgets where we live and gets busy with the rest of the world.
So while we're hanging out over here waiting on the Universe to show up and fill us with energy, peace, and the little snippet of magic you need to break out of the rut every day life gives you, and set you on the path to who you are destined to be, let's be intentional with our actions and do the things we need to do to fill up our souls.
The Glitter & Grace Club is the community you've been searching for, and will fill the gaps you've tried so hard to close, while filling your body, mind, and soul with the tools and guidance you need to lead the life that fulfills your purpose.
Offered as an online membership community, you can soak up the good vibes, life courses and videos from the comfort of wherever you are, connect with like-minded women, soul mates on a similar journey, who join together with you as one to create a force so powerful, so beautiful, and so life changing, you will believe all things are possible. Find out even more here: Glitter & Grace Club!

As a Certified Master Life Coach, I offer one-to-one life coaching sessions, via phone and/or virtual options (zoom, skype, facetime, etc).
If you're wondering exactly what a life coach does, well....it's a great question. Think of it this way: A life coach is there to hold your hand, offer a path for your decisions, and help guide you to the best possible outcome so you can live your very best life.
A life coach won't tell you what to do, or how to do it, but will offer you guidance, inspiration, motivation, and direction.
I have been trained to lead you to Twist Your Thinking, get out of your own way, and start living the life you have always wanted. Find out more here: Life Coach
Sasha Gray is a Certified Master Life Coach, Confidence Coach and Life Purpose Coach, as well as a nationally known Motivational Speaker and Author. She is the founder and owner of the Scattered Sasha Brand and reaches millions on Social Media each week.
But her passion is connection, self confidence, and strength from within.
After losing her son to the depths of the unknown, being the caregiver for her elderly parents for more than 7 years, and raising her 17 year old granddaughter from the age of 6 months, she turned to her own inner strength to guide her through the daily trauma and heartache those life issues brought to the table.
Her ability to offer wise counsel, empathy, understanding and an occasional push in the right direction led her to pursue certifications in multiple coaching categories. She adds laughter, glitter and a lot of sparkle to everything she touches and will start dancing anytime she hears music!